Course Description - Science

 Grades 4 - 6 (1 semester)


Students will have the opportunity to learn about the skeleton and master the bones in the human body.  They will enjoy learning about the  other important systems in the human body such as the respiratory system and  the digestive system.  The class will also learn about specific organs and their function.

Grades 4 - 6  (2 semesters)


EARTH SCIENCE.  What is earth science?  What categories are there?  What are the names of the experts?  Students enjoy learning about pyroclastic materials, their make-up, and what contributes to their fluid nature. Your child will understand Pangaea, the theory of continental drift, and the supercontinent.  Your student may enjoy learning about Compressional stress, Tensional stress, Shear stress on the surface of the earth, and more!

ECOLOGY.  The class will also be introduced to ecology and discover how organisms interact with the environment around them and how it affects the world. We learn about introduced species, invasive species, mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.  Do you ever wonder why some animals look or act the way they do and how these things relate to the predator/prey relationship?  We will dive into offensive strategies of predators, chemical warfare, coloration, Batesian mimicry and more.  We will develop an understanding of carrying capacity and dispersion and more!